Typically, Peak is most effective when applied at a reduced rate with a mix of Clarity or atrazine. Peak should not be used where ALS-resistant weeds are present. However, Peak, a sulfonylurea herbicide, is not as effective on larger broadleaf weeds. This herbicide is very safe on sorghum plants up to 30 inches tall.

Temporary sorghum leaf spotting and yellowing likely will occur with the use of Huskie FX, but sorghum will typically rebound from these injury symptoms within a few days.
#Milo seed plus#
The addition of a low rate of atrazine plus an adjuvant provides the best control. The product can be applied to sorghum plants up to 30 inches tall or before flag leaf emergence. Though most effective on small weeds, when necessary, growers can use Huskie FX as a rescue treatment on larger weeds.
#Milo seed free#
Huskie FX should only be used in areas free from HPPD-resistant weeds. This product contains the HPPD active ingredient pyrasulfotole plus bromoxynil and fluroxypyr. The product has good activity on kochia, morning glory species and a few other broadleaf weeds and is often used in combination with other herbicides. An alternative to Clarity and 2,4-D, is fluroxypyr, which is safer to use on sorghum. These rates can be adjusted based on the size of the weeds and potential risk of atrazine carryover. A combination treatment of one qt atrazine + 2-4 oz dicamba or 1 pt 2,4-D amine + 1 pt bromoxynil can be an effective treatment. Ītrazine + dicamba or 2,4-D + bromoxynil. Consider applying these at reduced rates, but in combination with other products, especially atrazine or Peak.

Weeds less than 4 inches tall are much easier to control than larger weeds.

The addition of surfactants and other adjuvants with Clarity or 2,4-D are not recommended because they tend to increase crop injury. To reduce the risk of crop injury, Clarity or 2,4-D should be applied after all sorghum has emerged but before the height exceeds 8 to 10 inches. Risk of crop injury is an issue with Clarity or 2,4-D, and yield reduction can occur even when physical injury symptoms are minimal. Clarity applied at 8 ounces per acre or 2,4-D applied at 1.0 to 1.5 pints per acre are effective treatments on most broadleaf weeds. Growers, however, should check for any crop rotation restrictions that might apply.Ĭlarity® (dicamba) or 2,4-D amine. Soil restrictions often prevent preemergence use of atrazine in sandy, high pH or low organic matter soils due to the potential for crop injury, but these restrictions do not apply to postemergence application. Atrazine has an added advantage when applied postemergence because not only is it effective on small emerged broadleaf weeds, but also provides preemergence activity. The following is a brief description of each herbicide and how they are used:Ītrazine. In regard to grass control, we now have three active ingredients that can be used with herbicide tolerant hybrids that contain the Double Team, iGrowth or Inzen traits. If postemergence weed control is needed, there are a number of active ingredients to choose from for broadleaf weed control. In grain sorghum, it is always recommended to apply a preemergence herbicide to control weeds before they ever emerge.